ACA Reporting


Doing an ACA Reporting entails much more than the actual distribution and E-Filing of Forms 1095-Cs.

We define it as all the steps, procedure, policies and activities that need to work togehter fluidly toward the gola of a successful IRS E-Filing by March 31st following the reporting year.

The first step is to determine if your company needs to file or not. This depends on the monthly average number of FT/FTE employees your company had in the year previous to the reporting year. This determination may be hindered by several possible factors and complicated if your company is part of a Controlled Group.

Once it is determined that you company needs to file, we will get to work with you. Depending on how soon you sign up, we will have the chance to advise you in data best practices and supervise your date gathering procedures to avoid data issues by when the forms need to be generated.

Once your data is ready by mid January, it will be analyzed to detect errors, incongruencies and any issues. If there were, we will get back to you with questions. Once the data is clean an correct, we will  feed it into our systems which then will allow your Forms to be distributed (mailed) to your eligible employees (and individuals, when applicable) weeks before the IRS’ deadline to do so by the end of February. This allows time to address any issues that employees may find in their Forms before E-Filing them with the IRS.

Once the Forms 1094-C and 1095-C Forms are ready, they will be E-Filed with the IRS by March 31st and with any applicable Statesby their own deadlines.

The IRS will inform us if your Forms were accepeted without issues, and we will then provide you with the IRS submission ID for your records and your ACA Filing will be completed.

If the IRS produces an IRS Error Notification (IRSEN), we will give you the list of employees whose 1095-C Forms have an issue with their (or dependents, if applicable) SSN or names, and we will advise you on how to attempt to correct them.

Once the corrected 1095-C Forms are submitted and are accepted, your ACA FIling will be completed.

There are many other considerations depending on your company’s specifics, but we have seen it all and we will make sure that your ACA Reporting Season is successful.